Missions Club Begins Stamp Drive
(Edited by Brisa Ramirez)
This month the Missions Club is sponsoring a project called Stamp Drive. This project started today Oct. 2 and will end Oct. 23. The club’s goal is to sell 200 international stamps. The reason behind this project is to send out letters, cards, and school news to the school’s student missionaries.
Right now there are five student missionaries from Southwestern serving around the world, and the goal is to show them that the students here support and encourage them.
“They’ll appreciate feeling love and support from the school and hearing from us,” says Isaí Ramírez, Missions Club president. “This is a good way for them to know that we still care about them and that they’re in our prayers.”
Stamps can be purchased at the Spiritual Life and Development office located in the Findley building. Missions Club members will also have stamps and sell them throughout the day. Stamps will cost $1.25 each and there will be boxes around campus where students can drop off the stamps after purchasing them. These stamps will make it possible to send letters each week to the student missionaries. International stamps are $1.15. The last ten cents will be used to buy gifts for the student missionaries.
The Missions Club is also encouraging students to write letters to the missionaries.
“I know I love getting stuff in the mail,” Ashley Riddle, sophomore communication major says. “We [the missions club] are excited to connect with the student missionaries through the lost tradition of letter-writing. Receiving something from the school will be encouraging.” Last year, Riddle served as a task force worker, a form of missions as well.
“We want students to know that they can be involved in missions even if they’re not the ones taking the year off,” Ramírez says. “You can serve God wherever you are.”
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