Men’s Retreat Draws 600 to Houston
On the weekend of Nov. 8, the Texas Conference hosted its annual Adventist men’s ministry summit at the Houston Central Church. Theme for this year’s summit was “Unbroken,” specifically, how broken men can become unbroken through Christ.
The weekend was filled with powerful sermons and testimonies from several guest speakers who came from varying backgrounds. Their topics focused on how a man can become unbroken in all areas of his life. Some speakers touched on becoming physically unbroken through forming healthy habits in the areas of diet and exercise. Others highlighted the use mentorship as a tool for men of all ages to aid each other in becoming unbroken.
One of summit’s reoccurring speakers was Doug Bachelor, president and speaker of Amazing Facts. Bachelor shared his testimony of a neglectful upbringing and how it led him down a path of substance abuse that ultimately ended in him finding God as a homeless man living in a cave.
The weekend’s other reoccurring speaker was Wintley Phipps Sr. Phipps shared his testimony of how God used his vocal talents to spread his message to members of the white house, which included former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
Roughly 600 men attended the summit, as well as 12 students from Southwestern Adventist University. One of those students was SA President Raul Alvarez.
“I had a really good experience at the men’s retreat,” said Alvarez. “There were a lot of cool things that I was able to enjoy. There was good music, a good program, and good sermons. The thing I enjoyed most was listening to Wintley Phipps preach and sing. On Sabbath mornings I would wake up to my dad playing his music. We would listen to it in the house before going to church and on the way there. I was so happy to see him in person.”
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