High Schoolers to Get More Intimate Look at SWAU through University Experience

High schoolers from outside the Union will get a chance to see what life is like at Southwestern during University Experience March 23-26

March 23-26 marks the second University Experience of the year at Southwestern. This year, Southwestern Adventist University will have three opportunities for high school and academies to visit. One was held last November, another will happen this month and the last will be in April. The purpose of university experience is to recruit new students to Southwestern by creating more opportunities for potential students to see what life is like on the Southwestern campus.

Unlike University Days, University Experience is for high school and academy students outside of the Southwestern Union Conference. As a result, fewer students will be on campus. Compared to the 200 high school students that visited the Southwestern campus this year for University Days, only 40 high school students are expected to visit this month. Because of the smaller number, the schedule for Southwestern students won’t change to fit the visiting students. This will benefit the visitors, as these students will get a clear view of what a typical day of a Southwestern student looks like.

“Because fewer students come during University Experience, it’s easier for them to get to know our students,” says Tina Bottsford, director of enrollment. “This is different from University Days, but similar in that they’ll go to two classes, have financial aid, and meet with an advisor. Some parents also come to this.”

University Experience gives both parents and students an opportunity to see how Southwestern Adventist University is a good fit for them. Due to University Experience’s smaller size, students are given more chances to voice their questions and concerns and find out how to prepare for their future as a college student at Southwestern Adventist University.

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