Free Class Provides Exercise Regimen for Students
Fitness Frenzy is a free class that Southwestern has started this semester in conjunction with the dorm’s “Flab to Fab” promotion. Just 30 minutes long, Fitness Frenzy is offered 5:15-5:45 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays.
Team-taught by three professors and occasionally by kinesiology students (Paulino Santos, assistant professor, kinesiology; William Iverson, dean of men; Michael England, professor, education) the class is designed to provide students with exercises they can combine and tailor into a program that works for them.
The class is strategically placed when most classes are out of session and ends before the cafeteria closes so the students can eat if they so desire. “The class is designed for faculty, staff, and students,” England says. “It is meant to get them motivated to exercise on their own.”
This free class is only intended to last until Spring Break but if enough people express an interest in it, it may continue. This short program goes together with the Whole Person Wellness. “It is proven that physical activity can have an impact on cognitive skills and attitudes and academic performance,” England says. “We want SWAU students to have this extra component.”
This class fits under two categories of CREATION health: choice and activity. It corresponds with choice because choice is the first action we make and then those choices mold us into who we are. “A fit mind promotes a healthy body, and a healthy body promotes a fit mind,” England says.
Fitness Frenzy is designed to help students, faculty and staff alike to make good choices and put those desired choices into action. By offering various of exercises like core workouts, aerobic exercise, stretches, squats, and endurance and strength exercises with the use of dumbbells, the class aims to practically provide ways for people to reach their desired potential.
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