Department Vespers Set for Tonight
Department vespers is scheduled school-wide for Friday, Sept. 10. Here are the announced times and locations for vespers for each department:
Biology/Health Science/Nursing—Duck Pond Amphitheater, 7 p.m.
Business—Jerry Chi’s house, 2724 Hill Lane, Cleburne; 6 p.m. (transportation from Pechero parking lot at 5:45)
Chemistry/Math/Physics—Karl Konrad’s house, 116 Oak Ridge Dr., Cleburne; 6:30 p.m.
Communication—Bob and Bev Mendenhall’s house, 101 Songbird Trail, Keene; 7 p.m.
Computer—Daryl Thomas’ house, 1800 FM 3136, Cleburne; 6 p.m.
Education/Psychology—Harmon Hall Basement, 7:30 p.m.
History/English—Bob and Susan Gardner’s house, 5106 Big Springs Dr., Joshua; 6:30 p.m.
Music—John Boyd’s house, 205 Mistletoe Lane, Keene; 6:30 p.m.
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