Valentine’s Open House Set for Sunday
A valentine’s open house will be held in all three women’s residence halls on Sunday, Feb. 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. Prizes will be offered for the best decorated
Pre-Nursing Seminar Set for Feb. 26
Students interested in being a part of Southwestern’s nursing program are encouraged to attend a pre-nursing seminar. The seminar will be presented on Tuesday, Feb. 26, in Hagen Hall room
Recital Showcases Student Talent
Southwestern’s music department hosted their first spring recital last night. The students exhibited a variety of talent and skill. Halla Kalmansson, sophomore music major, sings Glitter and Be Gay from Candide. Written
The Decisive Moment
Kailani Stowell, sophomore nursing major, works with Christopher Rosado, junior physical education major, as they practice their moves on the mat. Stowell and Rosado practice their routine about 3 1/2
Revival Series To End This Weekend
Friday night, the next to last revival meeting presented by Southwestern’s homiletics class will begin at 7:30 p.m. Allen Miller will present the message “Does God Really Know?” in the
Saxon Series to Feature SDA Historian
This year’s Saxon Lecture Series on the campus of Southwestern Adventist University will begin Saturday, Feb. 9 with denominational historian Paul McGraw. His topic for Saturday afternoon’s presentation is “How
Student Recital Set for Tomorrow
Vocalists and instruments from Southwestern’s music department will hold a student recital tomorrow. The recital will take place in the Wharton Auditorium at 7 p.m. Students involved are taught by
Man Up
There is a new small group called Man Up designed specifically for young men. They will meet in the student center on Wednesdays at noon. Share this:
Talent Show Tryouts
There are still a few spots available today and tomorrow for talent show tryouts. Students can go online and fill out a form at: http://www.swauknights.com/talent-show-tryout-form-2. Talent show will be held
Nursing Dedication Slated for Saturday
When a nursing student reaches their second semester of their junior year, they dedicate and commit themselves to the profession of nursing in a special ceremony. During the service the