Across the Street Ministers to Little Ones

The Spiritual Life and Development department at Southwestern Adventist University is revitalizing and bringing new life into one of its programs. Designed as a way for college students to give back to their community, Across the Street Ministry aims to give students a unique way to serve through assisting the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church’s various children’s Sabbath school programs.

Freshman theology major Matthew Hanson leads out in Across the Street Ministry.

Freshman theology major Matthew Hanson leads out in Across the Street Ministry.

Matthew Hanson, a freshman theology major from Gentry, Arkansas, coordinates the program and wants it to be a new way for students to be able to give back to their community. Many university students grew up attending the Adventist church and can remember the lessons and songs that they learned in their own Sabbath school programs, and for most these programs were some of their most impressionable moments at young ages.

According to Hanson, “the program exists to allow students at Southwestern the opportunity to assist and be a part of the Sabbath school programs.” Children often look up to college students as potential role models, thus giving these students the opportunity to be potential witnesses for Christ.

Prayer is one of the most important things those who want to be involved but can’t directly give. Hanson has faith in the power of the Lord and believes that this ministry can change the lives of both the students and the children.

“Even though we may be a university, we aren’t separate from the community. Many of us grew up in Sabbath school and we want to give back. This opportunity lets us play a major part in the church,” Hanson says.

Those who wish to be involved with Across the Street ministry should contact the Spiritual Life and Development office or Hanson directly by calling (316) 259-9626 or by emailing him at

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