Graduating in Quarantine: A Senior’s Perspective

Deanna Camacho

Hello, my name is Deanna Camacho and I am a senior here at Southwestern. I have been at SWAU for five years and I am finally graduating as a communication major in Radio, TV and Film.

My last year here started out to be exciting. I had a whole plan for myself here at SWAU and after graduation. This was to be my year (or so I thought). Since I was homeschooled in high school, I never got to have that senior experience. That included the senior class trip, senior party (prom), and graduation. That is why I was so excited to finally be a senior this year and experience something I never got before.

However, that’s not the case anymore… COVID 19 took that away. Just like my homeschool high school experience, I’m back in my home doing everything all over again. Honestly, it’s sad that I miss out again on a fun experience. I know SWAU is trying to do everything they can for their senior’s last year here and I am so grateful to them but if I be honest, COVID 19 really did ruin this year for a lot of seniors.

Overall, I had some really good memories at SWAU and I am so blessed to be able to graduate. Not everything goes as planned. I knew that but I still had hope that this time what I had planned out for myself I was going to make it happen. But life happens and we keep moving forward.

At this point, I don’t know what I am going to do after graduation and I don’t know what my last senior year at SWAU is going to be like, or if I am going to be able to experience that senior life. All I do know is to not stress out too much and leave all my problems in God’s hands and keep moving forward.

I know something good will come out of this bad experience. I am blessed to even be able to graduate this year and I know SWAU will do everything to have their seniors walk to the finish line.

Thank you to all who have done so much for this one senior.

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