Theology Students To Conduct Evangelistic Series

Southwestern’s theology students will be conducting evangelistic meetings in the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church starting Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m.

All the students involved are either juniors or seniors taking a homiletics class taught by Elder Bill Kilgore, professor of religion. “These students want to preach, so we are giving them hands-on opportunity to do just that in a local area church,” says Kilgore.

Let the Word Speak is the title of this series of meetings. “The idea behind the title is that as Adventist preachers, we want to preach from the Word of God, letting the Word speak for itself,” says Kilgore.

The series will also include first and second worship services on Sabbath, Feb. 2, then continue on each evening at 7:30 p.m. ending on Feb. 9.

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