No Turning Back

Lizeth Jimenez, a junior psychology and education major from Garland, Texas, was unsure about college after high school. But ever since she made the decision to accept God’s call, she hasn’t turned back.

Before deciding to come to Southwestern, Jimenez was in the process of joining the Navy, meeting with recruiters on a regular basis, until one of her pastors, Mark Valadez, a graduate of Southwestern now pastoring at the Keene Spanish SDA Church, told her to look towards a new light.

“I didn’t have the support to go to college and thought my only way out was the military,” Jimenez said. “My pastor convinced me to just try Southwestern for at least one semester, so I prayed about it to see if it was right for me. Once Pastor Valadez called me saying he found a scholarship for me, I figured maybe God was the one pulling me towards the school.”


Lizeth Jimenez feels at home on the Southwestern campus.

Lizeth Jimenez feels at home on the Southwestern campus.

Now that she’s here, Jimenez says she loves it and wouldn’t trade her experience here for anything else. She really values the friendships she’s made and the relationships she has with professors, whom, she says, really show an interest in the students and push them to succeed.

Last summer Jimenez joined Southwestern’s Literature Evangelism team for five weeks in Bryan and College Station, Texas. They canvassed around surrounding neighborhoods and volunteered at local churches, doing everything from sharing testimonies with the congregation to helping out with Bible games in children’s church to serving food and cleaning up after potluck.

“I feel as if God brought me canvassing to the right area at the right time,” says Jimenez. “I was originally supposed to canvas in Houston, but was placed in Bryan, Texas instead, where I had canvassed for the first time when I was 14 years old. I felt like it was a sign from God to bring me back to a place where I originally grew very strong in my faith and closer to Him.”

Although Jimenez already had experience in literature evangelism, her experience this past summer was just as new as the first time she did it seven years ago.

“Canvassing was really hard this summer,” Jimenez said. “I’ve done it before, but this year was a little more difficult, because I didn’t feel spiritually ready. In the end, however, it turned out to be a great experience because I really had to trust and rely on God. I found myself putting Him first in all I did and all decisions I had to make whether big or small.”

Abel Mims, junior religion major, also went canvassing with Jimenez and shared his thoughts about his experience having her on board.

“This summer, Liz really showed to be a positive bright light in the many negative situations we faced,” Mims said. “The canvassing experience is tough. It will really test your faith and challenge you spiritually, but not once did I hear her complain about anything at all. She was such a hard worker and a real optimist in the group.”

Others share the same thoughts about Jimenez, and her positive spirit. Mauricio Negrete, senior nursing major, expressed how he feels that she is a very caring person and is always willing to listen and be a friend no matter the time.

Psychology and education major Arlette Hinojosa also expressed similar thoughts. “I love that I can count on her for anything,” Hinojosa said. “She is the most reliable friend I have. I really see Christ’s character in her.”

Jimenez has become involved in many activities around campus, including the women’s soccer team, and says she wouldn’t trade her experience here at Southwestern for anything else.

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